Kristian Film Premier I & II

By Lake Worth Playhouse (other events)

Wednesday, October 12 2016 6:30 PM 10:00 PM EDT

Kristian I  6:30pm (1:15min) 

Complementary Coffee Intermission 

Kristian II 8:15 (1:32min) 

Ticket $12 for the event (both films, one ticket) 


Kristian is a non-profit Finnish indie film with English subtitles based on John Bunyan's world-famed book The Pilgrim's Progress. Even though it was written in the 17th century, the stories in it are still current for us today. Kristian's journey from The City of Destruction to the Kingdom of Heaven is a road-movie styled fantasy. How does he survive from the hands of Despair, Greed and the Sorceress Saiga? How to save a Hunter consumed by Hate? Is Natalie able to destroy Kristian's life? At the last shore Kristian is writing his story and hoping to reach the glimmering golden city across the ocean. But is there still a final battle awaiting?