Musical Theatre Performance: (Ages - 8 -15) Taught By Katherine Lamb
Wednesdays from 5:00pm-7:00pm – 1/29 thru 4/29 (No Class the Week of Spring Break 3/23-3/27)
$265 / $238.50 siblings
Tuition Discount Offer-ONLY for Returning Lake Worth Playhouse Students - $238.50 / $214.50 Sibling
This class is designed to prepare students for auditions, performance and life skills – such as confidence, communication (verbal and nonverbal), listening and focusing skills and ability to share ideas creatively. This class is designed for the beginning actor. Students will learn the fundamentals of acting through exercises in imagination, body movement, voice and improv. Students will learn how to perform a monologue and scene work. Students will perform a showcase on the Lake Worth Playhouse mainstage.