The show traces the life of the legendary huckster Phineas Taylor Barnum from the purchase of his first sideshow act through his partnership with James A. Bailey.
At the center is the stormy but loving relationship between P.T. and his wife, Charity who attempts to tame her wild husband. He finally convinces her but curtain’s close that the world desperately needs his particular brand of hogwash.
Tickets go off sale 4 hours prior to show time selected. After, please call 561-586-6410 to purchase.
Dinner / show packages go off sale 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE SHOW DATE AND TIME SELECTED). For dinner / show packages after cut-off time, please contact the box office direct at 561-586-6410.
Please contact the box office direct at 561-586-6410 for group rates of 10 or more.
Join the Playhouse for a Talk Back! (4-20-13) Talk Backs provide an interactive question and answer session where audiences have the chance to look behind the scenes of what it takes to envision, construct, design and create a main stage production by asking questions of the actors and creative team. Talk Backs are held after every second Saturday matinee performance of our Main Stage Shows and begin immediately after the show ends, lasting for about 20 minutes. Talk Backs are free to attend and open to the public.